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Covered Destinations > Milan  

Park Centauro Stadio San Siro

short time
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Location and access to parking
Quality of the structure
Average rating
*Rating based on our users' evaluations.
Opening Time:
Park Centauro opens about 4 hours before the event and closes one hour after the end of the event.

Park Centauro San Siro is located close to San Siro Stadium in Milan. A few steps and you'll be right at the Stadium!

During events the car park is manned by the personnel.
Book by entering the date of the event in both the entrance and exit, even if it ends after midnight.

Area B - ZTL (Limited Traffic Zone):
The car park is located in the Area B - ZTL (Limited Traffic Zone) of the Municipality of Milan. It is necessary to check if your car is allowed to access the ZTL - Area B depending on the consumption of your vehicle. If your car can enter, no ticket is required.

Events Schedule:
29 May: Metallica
4 June: Lana del Rey
7-8 and 11-12 and 15 June: Vasco Rossi
16 June: Green Day
19-20 June: Vasco Rossi
22 June: Negramaro
24-25 June: Sfera Ebbasta
27-28-29 June: I-Days
30 June: Max Pezzali
1-2 July: Max Pezzali
4 July: Zucchero
5-6-7 July: I-Days
9 July: Avril Lavigne
12 July: Stray Kids
13-14 July: Taylor Swift
17 July: Calcutta
23 July: Travis Scott

Parking address and email address are on your MyParking Voucher sent to you by e-mail after the booking.
Use the map to view the parking location.

Information about Park Centauro Stadio San Siro

⭐ Customer ratings:
📍 Covered Destinations:

Park Centauro Stadio San Siro

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Outdoor Car + Keep Keys

Outdoor Car + Keep Keys
  • it Anna Average 7.7
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • it BC Very Poor 5.7
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • it MATTEO Very Good 9.2
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • it JohnnySanfilippo Average 7.5
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • it Veronica Average 7.7
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • it Massimo Worst 1
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
  • it Barbara Very Good 9.2
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
Last 7 of 7 ratings. Show all

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