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Covered Destinations > Rome  

Autorimessa Rossocinquanta

short time

 MAX H.2,70 m


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Location and access to parking
Quality of the structure
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*Rating based on our users' evaluations.
Opening Time:
From Monday to Saturday from 06:30 to 01:00.
On Sundays and holidays open from 07:30 to 10:30 and from 19:00 to 01:00.

From 9 August to 26 August open from 07:30 to 10:30 and from 21:00 to 01:00.

24-25-26-31 December and 1 January open from 07:30 to 10:30 and 19:00 to 22:00.
5 January and 23 February 2025 from 07:30 to 10:30 and from 17:00 to 01:00.

The Autorimessa Rossocinquanta is a structure managed with seriousness and professionalism. Access and manoeuvres are extremely easy as there is a double ramp and ample spaces for manoeuvring.
Parking is located in the immediate vicinity of Rome's main sports facilities: Olympic Stadium, Marble Stadium or Ballacord Stadium, Tennis Stadium, Flaminio Stadium and many other sports clubs and facilities dedicated to multiple sports, numerous swimming pools and tennis courts.
Walking, in a few minutes you can reach: the Auditorium of music, the Olympic Village, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs -The Farnesina-, the Grand Mosque of Rome.
The area is well served by public transport and in a few minutes you can reach the center of Rome.

Features: The car park is equipped with alarm systems; manned during the opening hours and guarded at night.
The Autorimessa Rossocinquanta is the ideal solution for those who want to attend sporting events and concerts, parking the car in a safe and guaranteed place.
For security reasons and to allow a quick exit from the parking area when the customer returns, the keys must be left to the parking staff.

Please note that bookings with check in/check out outside the opening hours will not be accepted in any case.

Use the map to calculate the route to reach the parking. Parking address and phone numbers are on your MyParking Voucher sent to you by e-mail after the booking.

The car park is located in the Flaminio district, a residential and cultural area north of Rome's city centre. Nearby, you can find several interesting attractions and landmarks, including:

Milvio Bridge and River Tiber6 minutes on foot
National Museum of 21st Century Arts (MAXXI)10 minutes on foot
Auditorium Parco della Musica12 minutes on foot
Ministery of Foreign Affairs (Farnesina)22 minutes on foot
Olimpic Stadium25 minutes on foot
Villa Glori27 minutes on foot

Information about Autorimessa Rossocinquanta

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Autorimessa Rossocinquanta

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Indoor Car [Max 5.5 m.]

Indoor Motorhome and Van [Max 8.3 m.]

Indoor Motorbike

  • it StefanoF Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Marta Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Isabella Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it GiorgioM Excellent! 10
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it EleonoraZitelli Good 8.7
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Carmine Very Good 9
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Antonio Good 8.2
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it EnricoG Very Good 9.5
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it ClaudioM Good 8.5
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
  • it Melissa Good 8.5
    Staff organization
    Are you satisfied of the choice made (quality/price ratio)
    Location and access to parking
    Quality of the structure
Last 10 of 326 ratings. Show all

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